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Writer's pictureLuba Podgayskaya

From ‘I Can’t’ to ‘Watch Me Hit That High C!’

Are you guilty of thoughts like: "I am just not good at it", "I will crack on that note", "I won't have enough breath", "I won't be able to start on the right spot", etc?

These thoughts are so tricky and mean because there is a bit of truth (or potential truth) in them. For example, you indeed did not start in the right spot a couple of times, and there is a possibility that it could happen again. Or you had an unsuccessful coloratura passage attempt, and now you are kind of afraid of coloraturas (especially if someone ever told you that you are not good at it or similar nonsense).

Sometimes you understand that those are negative limiting beliefs, and you'd be better without them, but how to change them if they are simply true?

Well the trick is to find a comfortable version of this belief in a positive, or better say, in a productive way.

Comfortable version is the version that you can believe already right now, you don't need to improve yourself and this version FEELS GOOD.

For example: "I will crack on that note" - "I will not crack on that note"- won't work simply because what a dumb affirmation is this? You won't be able to believe this. But what can you say instead to feel good and to have a constructive, 'únlimiting' belief about this subject?

"It has worked several times before so I hope it will work this time too". This affirmation probably won't help you either, because it is very weak and you will feel that the probability of it not working is very high still, so this affirmation will not make you feel good, relaxed, reassured and actually let you help your body do the right job in attempting that note.

The phrases that will help you are very personal, what will work for one person won't be creadible for the other. But let me try to write a couple that maybe will ring a bell for you! "One voice crack does not erase the skills and artistry I show throughout the audition", "Even though they listen to every note with lots of criticism, judges know that even great singers have moments of imperfection under pressure", "I've prepared really well, and I trust that I am able to recover gracefully if this happens - mistake just show that I am authentic and imperfect, and it is how I handle it that will show my professionalism".

What are your limiting beliefs? What would you say to yourself instead if you wanted to support yourself?

This is one of the methodologies I use most often in my counseling sessions with singers. It is not a rocket science, and yet, so many peeople don't realize how powerful is what we say to ourselves. The body is very sensitive to what we say to it, and the more times you told yourself "I will crack on that note" the many times you need to reassure yourself in what could be the alternative.

Have fun with this!

Always yours and free of judgement, Luba Podgayskaya

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